Prismatic Spray
Phantasmal Abjuration
Level: Illusionist 7
Range: 0
Duration: Instantaneous
Area of Effect: 70 x 15 x 5 ft spray
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 7 segments
Saving Throw: See below
Holding out his or her hand, fi ngers fanned out, the caster evokes a spray of colours identical to those of the prismatic wall. All creatures in the path of the spell will be struck by one of the rays, determined randomly.
Colour | Effect of Colour |
1 Red | Deals 20 points of damage (saving throw for half damage). |
2 Orange | Deals 40 points of damage (saving throw for half). |
3 Yellow | Deals 80 points of damage (saving throw for half). |
4 Green | Poison (saving throw or die). |
5 Blue | Turns to stone (saving throw negates). |
6 Indigo | Causes insanity (saving throw negates) |
7 Violet | Creatures sent to another plane (saving throw negates). |
8 Two colours | Roll twice, ignoring this result |