Shadow Magic
Phantasmal Illusion
Level: Illusionist 5
Range: 50 ft + 10 ft/level
Duration: See below
Area of Effect: See below
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 5 segments
Saving Throw: See below
The caster employs his or her ability to draw upon the shadow planes, adding an element of quasi-reality to an illusory spell. The “spell” may be one of a limited group: cone of cold, fireball, lightning bolt, or magic missile. The illusory spell will inflict normal damage upon creatures in the area of effect for that spell unless a saving throw is successful (note that the targets only receive a saving throw against the illusion, and do not obtain an additional saving throw for the illusory spell’s effect). If the saving throw against the illusion is successful, the target will take only 1 hit point of damage per caster level.