Shadow Monsters
This is the first spell an illusionist can learn that draws upon the power of shadow planes behind the material plane of existence. This sort of magic is the hallmark of the truly powerful illusionist, for by tapping the power of the shadow planes an illusionist can weave quasi-reality into his or her phantasms. At this level of power, the illusionist can begin to reshape reality by the power of his or her mind. The shadow monsters created by the spell are selected by the caster (subject to the GM’s discretion). The total hit dice of the monsters cannot exceed the caster’s level, and all of them must be the same kind of monster. Shadow monsters have only 20% of normal hit dice (multiply by .2 and round up). Anyone seeing a shadow monster is entitled to a saving throw to realize that the creature is only partially real. If shadow creatures attack someone who fails the saving throw, they strike and inflict damage as the type of creature they appear to be (excluding magical attacks such as breath weapons). If they attack someone who has succeeded in making a saving throw, they are treated as AC 10 and inflict only 20% (multiply by .2 and round up) of normal damage for that sort of creature.