Charm Person

Arcane Evocation
Level: Magic user 9
Range: Touch
Duration: See below
Area of Effect: See below
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 9 segments
Saving Throw: None

The powerful enchantment woven by this spell will affect any “person,” meaning character races (but note that elves are 90% resistant), and humanoids (as defined in Chapter V) up to a ceiling of one hit die of charmed creatures per character level at any one time. If the target creature fails a saving throw, it will view the magic user as a trusted friend, interpreting his or her every word in its most positive light.

Charmed creatures will place themselves into moderate danger, including combat, on the caster’s behalf, but will not undertake risks beyond those the creature might ordinarily take. The magic user must be able to talk to the charmed creature if he or she is to give it any sort of complex “request.” Charmed creatures are allowed periodic saving throws to break the charm, based on intelligence:

19+ | one saving throw / day 18 | one saving throw / 2 days 17 | one saving throw / 3 days 15-16 | one saving throw / week 13-14 | one saving throw / 2 weeks 10-12 | one saving throw / 3 weeks 7-9 | one saving throw / month 4-6 | one saving throw / 2 months 3 or less one | saving throw / 3 months

The charm will be broken automatically if the magic user obviously tries to harm the charmed creature.